Lily Lake Trails, page 2
Trail Notes
The Lake Trail is wheelchair and stroller accessible.
All the trails are easy to follow.
There are benches along the trails.
The Lily Lake Trail is rated as easy, The Lily Ridge Trail is rated as moderate.
The Lake Ridge Trail is a climb, but not a particularly hard one.
Afternoon thunderstorms frequent the area in the summer months.
Carry the essentials (ten or more) and understand that your safety is your responsibility.
There are no restrooms on the hike after leaving the trailhead.
Fishing is allowed at the lake (there are special fishing rules, though).
Lily Lake is a great place to hike with children.
Runners do laps on the easy trails.
Pets are not allowed on the trail.
Hikers should stay on the trail to avoid further impact to the area.
For more mileage, hike both trails.
For Mountain Data and Route Guide
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Lily Lake Trail Mileage
.00 Lily Lake Trailhead
.05 Lily Ridge Trail Junction
.30 Unmarked climbers trail goes uphill to the right
.35 Ridge Trail rejoins Lake Trail
.50 Picnic Trail goes right
.75 Return to Trailhead
The Lily Lake Trail is a loop.
Lily Ridge Trail Mileage
.00 Lily Lake Trailhead
.05 Lily Ridge Trail Junction
.55 Unmarked climbers trail crosses the trail
.75 Intersect with the Lake Trail, end of Ridge Trail
.90 Follow Lily Lake Trail until the junction with the Picnic Trail
1.15 Picnic Trail joins old road
1.30 Return to the Trailhead
The Lily Ridge Trail is one way, but the mileage is for a loop.
Map Link
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Twin Sisters, Estes Cone, and Lily Lake - pdf
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Estes Cone & Lily Lake in KML Format - lilyLakeTh.kml