
Day Pack Contents

Metro to Mountain

Metro to Mountain Blog


Hydration Kit

On all of our hikes we will either carry a water filter or purifying tablets. Since we are carrying a filter we will try to manage our amount of water we are carrying in our pack.

Packing Comments

Katadyn Hiker Pro Water Filter
A good, fast filter but a little heavy. By carrying less water we offset the weight of the filter.
Katadyn Micropur Tablets
Chlorine dioxide tablets to purify water. We carry them as backups just in case.
Camelbak Hydration Bladder
We both use Camelbaks. Mine is a 50 ounce. Amy uses a 70 ounce. The Hydrolink Filter Adapter attaches directly to the hydration tube so the bladder can be be filled via the filter without removing the it from our packs.
Platypus Water Bottle
We carry the collapsible water bottle to use in camp while backpacking. I use one to supplement my smaller hydration bladder. If we stop to eat, I like to drink out of the bottle instead of from the hydration system.

Post-Trip Comments

Katadyn Hiker Pro Water Filter
Worked great, but we did have to replace the filter. We filtered a lot of water. We drank a lot!
Katadyn Micropur Tablets
Always carried, never used.
Camelbak Hydration Bladder
Worked great, with no issues.
Platypus Water Bottle
Worked great. We bought a couple more on the trip to take the place of a leaky two gallon container. Our one complaint was late in the trip a bear gouged two of the water containers. Platypus should make them tougher! Ha!